Learning to love your hoo ha

Labiaplasty is one of the fastest growing cosmetic procedures in Australia.
Labiaplasty is one of the fastest growing cosmetic procedures in Australia.
Who has perfect-looking labia? Porn movies showing impossibly smooth-looking, Barbie doll-like genitalia seem to suggest that everyone should, and they've been blamed for a rise in labiaplasty surgery.
But a new Australian study has found that all that may be needed from dissuading women from undergoing unnecessary surgery is a major reality check, in the form of a short educational video. 
Flinders University psychology researchers surveyed 136 female undergraduate students and measured the effectiveness of two online resources – one a video, the other a photo resource – designed to improve women's knowledge of the variation in normal genital appearance and their attitudes towards their own genitals. 
The study, published in Body Image: An International Journal of Research, comes as the number of labiaplasty procedures continues to rise.​In Australia over the past 10 years, medical rebates for labiaplasty (surgical reduction of the inner or outer labia) and vulvoplasty (surgical remodelling of the vulva) have risen from 640 claims in 2000-01 to 1565 in 2010-11, though the real number of procedures is thought to be much more. 
With the permission of the ABC, Flinders University clinical psychology PhD candidate Gemma Sharp and Professor Marika Tiggemann used a seven-minute video produced for the Hungry Beast TV series, which explained the digital removal of labial tissue in soft-core pornography.
After the participants had watched the video, their perceptions of normal female genital appearance were measured by presenting them with six photographs of female genitals and asking them to measure them on a scale of 1-5 for normality.
They found participants who viewed the video provided higher normality ratings than those who did not, supporting their hypothesis that education would increase women's understanding about the variation in normal appearance of genitalia.
Ms Sharp said such tools could be valuable in educating younger girls about their bodies.
"It was never our intention to persuade women one way or the other about having a labiaplasty, we simply wanted to find out whether or not they had a realistic idea of what normal actually looked like, and to ensure they made informed decisions," she said.
"We conducted a media education survey as part of the study, which showed that many women hadn't actually seen many examples of female genitalia, and those who had were often looking at content that was modified through air brushing.
"Through our study we hope we can contribute to women having a better understanding of their bodies so that whatever decision they make is an informed one."

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