How To Choose Your Alcohol

How To Choose Your Alcohol

How To Choose Your Alcohol

🍷Love your alcohol?
Don’t we all, the problem is that it’s often the biggest contributor To weight gain! When you drink your body aims to burn those empty calories quickly, leaving the rich food you are eating at that New Years Eve bash to be stored as fat cells.
886966_10153421312139506_5346474057292012594_oSouth African Vineyards AKA Wine Heaven
The biggest culprit is sugar, natural sugars found in wine and even worse the staple mixers and tempting fruity sweet concoctions the bar tender mixes!
On top of weight gain alcohol binges sap vitamin A from our skin, leaving it unable to repair cells and ageing us. Ever noticed that you may lack lustre the next day on top of that terrible hangover…’s not just your Liver that is suffering, it is your whole body. Alcohol also disrupts the role of insulin and the hormone leptin which tell us when we are full up and help regulate blood sugar levels. Basically you will want to eat more!
I am a massive advocate of ‘Live Life To The Full’ and like everyone else I will be enjoying a drink or two on New Year Eve but I always pick wisely and I do not go over board. I prefer to enjoy the taste of my glass of bubbly or wine over knocking back as many drinks as possible.
Choose wisely: Here’s a quick calorie guide:
1 pint of lager: 165 kcal
1 shot of whiskey: 64kcal
1 small cream liquor: 130kcal
1 large glass of wine: 190kcal
1 alcopop: 230kcals
My Top Tips for a night out.
  • Opt for red wine as its lower in sugars and has the added benefits of flavanoids (heart healthy properties and antioxidants)
  • Vodka with soda and lime, this is a light refreshing drink, low in calories, chemicals, sugar and easier on your Liver
  • Remember one or two is ok but a binge can lead to damage you can’t even see and will appear on the future.
  • Drink a glass of water between each glass of alcohol
  • Avoid cheap alcopops and beer
  • Always eat a meal before you drink
Hair of the dog is a myth folks as is the need for a fry up…time and water and antioxidants is the only way the next day so get your juicer going the morning after and tuck into a nice bowl of superfood porridge!
As a professional Soprano trained at the Royal Academy of Music, Rhiannon learned the importance of living a healthy lifestyle from an early age. Her belief that Nutrition can play a significant role in your overall wellbeing and appearance has been tested performing around the world.
Good nutrition is absolutely essential for good health. Rhiannon believes the food that you eat can be the difference between feeling merely okay and feeling on top of the world both mentally and physically. 
Rhiannon has obtained a Masters degree in Weight Management and Obesity in addition to a First Class Honours degree in Nutrition and Health.
Her experience working alongside Cardiologists and General Practitioners at NHS Hospitals has demonstrated the influence Nutrition can play in recovery, particularly in metabolic syndromes. Many conditions are a sign that your body is not working to its full potential. 
Whether you’re striving to lose, gain or maintain weight, Rhiannon can set you on the right track and monitor your progress. Ultimately, she can show you how to live a healthy lifestyle without compromise.
As an avid foodie, Rhiannon has been fortunate enough to experiment with colourful ingredients working with Masterchef’s Gregg Wallace and be responsible for creating menus at some of London’s most renowned healthy eateries.
With food and fitness working hand in hand to keep us in peak condition, Rhiannon’s personal training experiences has seen her work with Olympic athletes and witness the dramatic impact healthy eating can have on performance at the highest level.
It is also her belief that a nutritious diet significantly increases a child’s chances of a healthy life kick starting their cognitive development. Eating right is so important through the early years of weaning, infancy and childhood.
Rhiannon is registered with the Association for Nutrition (AFN) and acts as Nutritional Consultant for companies including The Food Doctor, Danone and Creative Nature Superfoods. She is often seen quoted in the press including BBC and The Sunday Times.

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