My Top 5 Nutrition Tips For 2016

My Top 5 Nutrition Tips For 2016

My Top 5 Nutrition Tips For 2016
A New Year and another new start for so many of us but what is the best way to approach this in terms of your health and wellbeing. January is without a doubt my busiest time of year, I am fully booked through the entire month alongside delivering talks, hosting events and doing the odd singing gig…manic.
One thing I tell the majority of my clients searching for weight loss is that it takes TIME. You cannot simply embark upon one of the many 12 week plans or a strict regime without having changed your lifestyle to make it sustainable, hence the additional weight gain most people experience after yo yo dieting.
Now going on what may appear like a balanced New Year plan for a few weeks may seem like the sensible option but if you haven’t got an individually tailored diet to meet your goals, requirements and lifestyle, then the chances are you may not stick to it and you will just put it all back on.

My Top Tips to a healthy new you would be:
diet-and-exercise1.Diet before Fitness – Until you have got your diet in good shape and a routine that works for you then then starting off with the fitness may wreak havoc with your cravings, hormones and actually make you hungrier. You cannot outrun a bad
diet folks so ensure you sort the nutrition first, cut back on sugar and then exercise really does work wonders alongside the plan. I would advise seeing  a nutritionist to find out what works for you, make sure they are registered as there are now so many health coaches out there and other food bloggers who do not have the training or experience.
For some of my Top 8 Need To Know Nutrition facts see my blog here
water22.Hydrate – We all need to drink A LOT more water than we are and believe me when you are hydrated you will feel ten times better, more energised and perform better.
Prepare (1)
3.Be Prepared – You need to be organised and you need to be prepared, pack your lunchbox the night before to ensure you don’t buy unhealthy snacks and end up giving in to the hundreds of tempting sugary items on sale and rock bottom prices on your travels
4.Make Time – You need YOU time in order to allow your body to fully function and repair from the damage of the day especially if you do exercise regularly. Stress is one of the largest contributors to weight gain and if you are not careful other conditions such as adrenal fatigue can cause you endless aggravation, frustration and feelings of lethargy, they are also tricky to fix and take a lot of time to repair.
5.Balance – Make sure you have protein, grains, vegetables and good fats at every meal. If you are unsure how to eat a balanced diet then see my blog here. You want to get a variety of food in every day, raw, cooked, different coloured veggies, different types of protein and grains etc. Any sort of restrictive diet is not healthy and you can eat well if you get your portion sizes right so do be wary of the size of your plate.

If you would like to book a consultation with me I have a few slots available in the last week of January 2016 and I can slot you in for february 2016.

R x
As a professional Soprano trained at the Royal Academy of Music, Rhiannon learned the importance of living a healthy lifestyle from an early age. Her belief that Nutrition can play a significant role in your overall wellbeing and appearance has been tested performing around the world.
Good nutrition is absolutely essential for good health. Rhiannon believes the food that you eat can be the difference between feeling merely okay and feeling on top of the world both mentally and physically. 
Rhiannon has obtained a Masters degree in Weight Management and Obesity in addition to a First Class Honours degree in Nutrition and Health.
Her experience working alongside Cardiologists and General Practitioners at NHS Hospitals has demonstrated the influence Nutrition can play in recovery, particularly in metabolic syndromes. Many conditions are a sign that your body is not working to its full potential. 
Whether you’re striving to lose, gain or maintain weight, Rhiannon can set you on the right track and monitor your progress. Ultimately, she can show you how to live a healthy lifestyle without compromise.
As an avid foodie, Rhiannon has been fortunate enough to experiment with colourful ingredients working with Masterchef’s Gregg Wallace and be responsible for creating menus at some of London’s most renowned healthy eateries.
With food and fitness working hand in hand to keep us in peak condition, Rhiannon’s personal training experiences has seen her work with Olympic athletes and witness the dramatic impact healthy eating can have on performance at the highest level.
It is also her belief that a nutritious diet significantly increases a child’s chances of a healthy life kick starting their cognitive development. Eating right is so important through the early years of weaning, infancy and childhood.
Rhiannon is registered with the Association for Nutrition (AFN) and acts as Nutritional Consultant for companies including The Food Doctor, Danone and Creative Nature Superfoods. She is often seen quoted in the press including BBC and The Sunday Times.

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